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  • NEW • the sequence - full body (17 mins)

    17 minutes together to refresh the body and mind with a very simple and gentle flow. The theme of this class isn't necessarily any of the postures but moreso the commitment to our practice. Maybe it's a brief break from work, a quick session to start or end your day, maybe your baby is napping li...

  • the stretch - wind down (37 mins)

    A class to move out the kinks and wind down from your day. We focus on spinal rotation and stretching all spots in your back. Pour a cup of tea, use the playlist below and get ready to feel better.


  • NEW • the strength - evening chill (35 mins)

    Welcome to the most relaxing workout... like, ever? This is a great practice at the end of your day to move those last bits of energy out of your body. Coming to your mat in the evening is a great way to help the mind decompress before an (incredible) nights sleep ahead.

    Playlist: https://open.s...

  • the stretch - mindful (30 mins)

    I wanted you as present as possible for this practice; you'll find that each posture, I guide you through gentle breathwork (simple counts, 4 in and out). Sometimes its nice to tune out and let someone even remind you when to breathe, you deserve that. We don't get up off of the mat for this one ...

  • the stretch - practice (20 mins)

    A 20 minute stretch that gets into the full body - we cover the chest and shoulders, hamstrings, glutes, spine all within a quarter of an hour! This class is called "practice" as a reminder that theres no end goal for us on our mat. Every time we find our way to our movement or stillness practice...

  • the sequence - gentle flow (30 mins)

    When you're not in the mood to work hard nor sit still - gentle flow it is. Ease your way into your body and be led through some big breaths along the way.
    This class is pre//post natal friendly.


  • the stretch - restorative (35 mins)

    This is a restorative class; great if you’re experiencing or recovering from injury or illness, pre or post natal, extremely stressed or just craving a slow practice. Restorative postures are found to help with releasing muscular tension while balancing the nervous system. Expect to be in very su...

  • the stretch - legs up (35 mins)

    A stretch for my pals who spend long days on their feet OR just anyone who needs a shift in their perspective. We use the wall in this one so make sure your mat is near by a surface that you can rest your legs up onto. Now post up and take it easy!


  • the stretch - upper + lower back (20 mins)

    January 31, 2021

    the whole body is connected and to free up space throughout the spine, the hips + hamstrings are a great go-to to relieve tension in the back. You'll find some upper and lower body twists to help you unwind.

    For when you need: grounding, relief, rest.


  • the stretch - couch stretch (25 mins)

    Your movement + mindfulness can be done anywhere, truly. So voila, the couch stretch. You can have the best of both worlds.


  • the stretch - joints + mobility (25 mins)

    A gentle, 25 minute stretch to help with joint mobility and recovery. This class is great for those who move their bodies repetitively and need to slow it down on the mat.
    This class is pre//post natal friendly.


  • the stretch - calming (55 mins)

    This class is a blend of the best stretches to release physical tension and me chatting your ear off about how its all okay.


    blocks -
    bolster -

  • the stretch - rainfall (30 mins)

    A class inspired by our PNW rainy weather! We focus on forward folding as well as side bends, falling the upper body over the lower half. You'll feel a nice opening to the hamstrings as well as the spine. Expect to feel relaxed after this one!


  • the stretch - refresh (15 mins)

    A refresh through 15 minutes of movement. Nothing complicated - probably postures you know and love but sometimes a simple class and brief stretches can make all the difference moving forward in your day or eve.

    This class is pre/post natal friendly.


  • the stretch - mellow (40 mins)

    I originally planned for this to be around 20 minutes and I was enjoying it so much I completely lost track of time. This is quite mellow, spending more than half of this class on the back.

    Props: strap - I explain in the video all of your options to modify if you don't have a strap. Robe tie,...

  • the stretch - easing back (20 mins)

    This class is for the human who's easing back into gentle movement, perhaps after an injury or illness or even pre/post-natal. You can use a blanket or pillows for extra comfort if you'd like!

    Playlist by the ever comforting, Bon Iver:

  • the stretch - bedtime (20 mins)

    February 8, 2021


    A chilllll group of postures you can do before bed - on a mat or even climb into your bed for the stretch! This class targets the full body. We take a few postures dropping the head below the heart, which is very restorative body + mind and he...

  • the stretch - with breath (15 mins)

    July 7 2021


    This is a practice of presence - your mind will be completely focused on breathing into the stretch for the next 15 minutes. The postures are focused to open the muscles and tissues surrounding the ribcage - each stretch I count you in to focus on ...

  • the stretch - full body (60 mins)

    January 31, 2021

    This is a deeeeeeep stretch today, a full body simmer - accessible to all. A full hour dedicated to settling into postures for minutes at a time in order to get deeply into the connective tissues. Hope you leave this class feeling like a refreshed human.

    Props: I've suggested a...

  • the stretch - full body (35 mins)

    January 31, 2021

    A slow moving stretch; a large portion of the class opens the inner + outer hips, hamstrings and back. We'll also get into the side body with a focus of opening the chest.

    For when you need: grounding, relief, rest.
    And really good for:
    - Folks who spend a decent amount of ti...