the stretch - shoulders + chest (25 mins)
20-30 minutes
July 2 2021
Let’s let go of the weight of the world; a release for the shoulders, chest, neck and upper back. This is a great class to destress from a long week of sitting / hunching through the upper body.
Up Next in 20-30 minutes
the stretch - sweetness (30 mins)
This class features a handful of postures but long holds - this allows us to get deeper into the connective tissues and soften around the joints. At about minute 6 is when you can hear my friends pup, Jada, enjoy a bunch of water. This is a true testament to the definition of a home practice.
Lea... -
the stretch - for anxiety (30 mins)
In the thick of anxiety, sometimes just being with it helps. We suffer more, when we resist and refuse to feel what were feeling. In this class we do simple stretches, ones you've probably done before, but sometimes the greatest moments on the mat are when we bring ourselves there with intention....
the stretch - headache (25 mins)
May 24 2021
Here's hoping this class will relieve your headache - or at least take your mind off it for the next half hour. We start with a breathing exercise to refresh us before we head into stretching. We do a couple gentle inversions (dropping head below h...