March 1, 2021
this is a full body stretch that I showed up to with ZERO plan. I had a shit week and when you’re having a bad day, maybe you come back to this video as a reminder you’re not alone. Hips, back, legs, chest. Love you.
Props: maybe blocks, if you want them.
Up Next in 20-30 minutes
the stretch - detoxify (25 mins)
March 12, 2021
To detoxify is to ‘remove toxins from the body’ which can be done through twisting and releasing around the digestive organs, and stretching the muscles + tissues that actually hold the toxins we absorb through the foods we eat, the air we breath and the products that come in cont...
the stretch - hamstring flexibility (...
March 22, 2021
Let's give you a bit more freedom in your hamstrings. When our hamstrings are too tight, we experience pulling on the pelvis and spine; a flattening of the lumbar curve (that sway in the low back) and could explain why your posture could better and why you're experiencing back pai...