NEW • the stretch - show up (14 mins)
20 Minutes & Under
The theme of this class is simply celebrating just showing up. Less than 15 minutes. A few lovely brief stretches and a boost of mindset + confidence for getting on your mat. I see you!
Up Next in 20 Minutes & Under
The Sleep Series - 20 minute stretch
The Sleep Series - 20 Minute Stretch
Ease into sleep with this 20 minute stretch to release your spine, open your hips and chest. Tonight, we’ll use pillows as support for our postures which helps relax the nervous system before bed. Get comfortable, grab your eye mask and feel yourself release ...
the stretch - spine (20 mins)
A stretch to get you feeling more mobile through your spine through the '6 Degrees of Motion". This class will include gentle movements with a balance of holding the stretches.
the sequence - rejuvenating (20 mins)
January 31, 2021
Queue up this class when you need an awakening. Maybe you crawl out of bed and onto your mat or perhaps you're in search of a midday pick-me-up! This practice is fluid and we wrap things up with mindful breath.
When you need: rejuvenation, energy, presence.