In this class we start slow and build upon the flow as a traditional sequence class and add moments of pause to repeat the movements or pulse to create that pilates burn. It’s an invigorating yet peaceful practice, if I do say so myself.
This class is great if you’re looking to create more energy without having to show up with a ton of it yourself.
Up Next in 20-30 minutes
NEW • strength x stretch (30 mins)
The best of both worlds; the strength and the stretch, all in one. Be led through this mellow class that gives you time between pilates movements to enjoy a stretch.
NEW • the stretch - good morning (23 ...
A delicious morning stretch to have you feeling a balance of grounded and refreshed. This class is very slow moving and will ease you into your body/the day. Roll out your mat, bring your coffee and transition into a fantastic day ahead.
the stretch - full body (24 mins)
A simple, fully body stretch! Everything stays close and grounded to the mat in this one. Expect to open the side body, around the spine, hips and shoulders.